As Told By Greta

"All we are, all we can be, are the stories we tell. Long after we are gone, our words will be all that is left, and who is to say what really happened or even what reality is? Our stories, our fiction, our words will be as close to truth as can be. And no one can take that away from you."

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hopeless Chase.

Did you ever stop to consider what it was like for me? Did you never consider that I might be telling the truth when I said that I loved you? Did you never think what it must have felt like to me?

I mean, what would you think of a man whose only interest in you was to have sex with you? A guy who would never talk to you, never share anything with you, and who barely listened when you talked to him.

Would you want to love him? Would you want to be used and abused by him? Would you want to share your life with him? Would you want to be used and abused for the rest of your life?

I'm not a masochist. I don't enjoy the pain you caused me. I don't want to love you. I never wanted to love you. But I was never given the choice. You can't choose who you're going to fall in love with. If I could it certainly wouldn't be you.

I don't love you because of the chase. I love you despite it.

I’ve been reading Alexandra, and I’ve fallen in love with it! It’s such a dirty book but the lines were just so beautifully written that I can feel the character’s pain and frustration all the down to the bottom of my soul. Haha.



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